The Directed Trust, only codified and available in a handful of states across the country including South Dakota, continues to drastically change the trust world through putting direction and control over many important aspects of trust administration back where it belongs…into the hands of settlors, beneficiaries, and their advisors. Essentially, through bifurcating fiduciary roles and liability, the directed trust model creates a legal framework allowing trustees and beneficiaries to work with asset managers and independent trust companies of their choosing while having influence over discretionary distributions without disrupting planning objectives or the integrity of the trust instrument.
For more information around how the directed trust concept works to empower settlors, beneficiaries, and their advisors while revolutionizing the trust and wealth management industry, click here and watch the short video below.
South Dakota’s directed trust statute has been recognized as among the best in the nation. As a South Dakota chartered trust company, Bridgeford Trust Company can work collaboratively with clients and their long-time trusted advisors while delivering industry leading fiduciary capability. Contact us to learn more.