episode-30-litigator-judge-trusteeEpisode 35 is now available on Bridgeford Trust Company’s Delivering Direction and Control podcast series! In this episode, David Warren – Co-Founder and Chairman of Bridgeford Trust Company – sits down with guest, Craig Redler – Attorney and Asset Protection Specialist. Craig has over twenty years of estate planning experience and has held positions all over the world including stints with Amicorp in its offices in Auckland, New Zealand and Miami, Florida, as well as Southpac Trust International, Inc. in its offices in the Cook Islands and Tauranga, New Zealand. Craig is the only attorney in the U.S. who has lived in the Cook Islands to work in the fiduciary industry there. These experiences honed his expertise in asset protection, and he now provides asset protection planning services to clients across the country and around the world.

During their conversation, we learn more about Craig’s experiences serving as trustee for domestic and offshore trusts and designing and managing structures on behalf of high-net-worth families worldwide. They go on to discuss why Craig went back into the private practice of law and our shared belief that advisors have a fiduciary duty to research and select the the most sophisticated and powerful asset protection tools for settlors and beneficiaries of trusts.

You can listen to our latest episode on Bridgeford’s podcast page, Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioSpotify, and SoundCloud.

Bridgeford Trust Company’s Delivering Direction and Control podcast was developed to educate, challenge, and inspire listeners. As we interview experts in the trust planning arena, we keep listeners updated on developments regarding modern trust law and provide practical discussion on the powerful trust planning opportunities available to advisors around the country and the world – all in an effort to deliver far more direction and control to clients and their advisors than ever before. Check out all of our episodes here: bridgefordtrust.com/podcasts.

If you have questions on any of the topics discussed in this latest episode, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form or call us at (605) 224-9189.

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